
We would like to share with you a simple tool to mark your dental dam and so to punch it in a precise way. It is called PacDam! PacDam is also an educational tool, to push students to perform adhesive procedures under isolation. More details available at Ci fa piacere condividere con voi questo […]

All is ready for our next course!

We are almost ready to run our next course. The course (sold-out) will take place in Rome (oct 27-29). It will be about direct restorations (anteriors and posteriors) and also other topics will be covered: isolation, photography etc. We will also perform an adhesive testing between the participants… Let’s see who’s gonna have the highest […]


Many friends are asking what is Well is not another group, or whatever… We just love restorative dentistry… Stay tuned! Molti amici ci chiedono cosa sia Beh non è un altro gruppo, o chissà cosa… Ci piace l’odontoiatria ricostruttiva, tutto qua… Rimanete sintonizzati!